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Support for the K-LMS (Canvas LMS) K-LMS (Class Support) Feature

Comparison and features of Class Support with Canvas LMS

functional correspondence table

Class Support Features CanvasLMS Features (faculty members) >CanvasLMS Features (students)
Notices Home "Announcements" Home
Announcements: Submits notifications to all users within the course
Upload Study Materials File File
Uploads and distributes material files (pdf, Word, etc.)
Page Page
Provides links to class descriptions, lecture material distribution and Box videos, etc.
Reports Reports Reports
Assignment and evaluation of subject reports
Class Message Board Discussion Discussion
A feature resembling a bulletin board that allows students to create topics depending on the course settings.
Questionnaire Quiz Quiz
This enables questionnaires to be created with the quiz-type [Evaluation Target Surveys] and the quiz feature.
TEST Quiz Quiz
It is possible to create tests with the use of twelve different question formats, such as multiple selection questions and fill-in-the-blank questions, etc. Evaluation is also possible with the answer settings.
Messages Inbox Inbox
A messaging tool that can be used for promoting communications between the course (class) members (faculty members and students).
Co-Teachers/Class Assistant Settings People「Setting Joint Administrators of Classes
Setting joint administrators enables the authority to use certain class-related features to be assigned to faculty members and students.

Last-Modified: February 27, 2023

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