How to access to the Linux environment through the login servers
We provides login servers so that you can use Linux environment from outside.
This enables you to work on the Linux Environment from outside and
to transfer files with the Linux environment.
For use in classes, the remote login service (Linux environment) with GUI is also available.
If you can not login, please see
Login Server
We provides Login Servers as follows.
Remote Login
Through the Login Servers, you can work on the Linux environment from outside. SSH client software, such as ssh command/app is required for remote login.
The ssh command is available on Linux, Unix OS and Mac in the standard, so you can use remote login services from command line. If you use the Windows, SSH client software is required Separately.
The Example of remote login from the Windows and the Mac are as follows.
- Windows
- Mac
The Login Servers prioritizes simultaneous use by multiple users and stable operation over long periods of time. Therefore, you MUST NOT run a process that requires high calculation resources for a long time in the servers. Since the process results in inconveniences to other users, we may stop such processes without notice.
In addition, on the Login Servers, some heavy load applications are not available that are installed on the Linux workstations and the remote login service (Linux environment) with GUI.
An Example of the applications that are not available on the Login Servers is as follows. You can use these applications in the workstation room and the remote login service (Linux environment) with GUI.
- Gaussian
- Mathematica
- Xilinx Vivado SDK
※ Please note that we set limitations of using some applications other than those above on Login Servers without notice.
※ If you want to run heavy load applications for a long time on the purpose of research, please contact ST-KIC.
How to transfer files
In order to transfer files with Linux environment, you need to use sftp command or client software that corresponds to SFTP such as WinSCP.
If you want to know how to transfer files using WinSCP, please refer to [Transfer files using WinSCP]
Last-Modified: November 15, 2023
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