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For users of authentication by the Wireless LAN/WiFi service (keiomobile2) based on iOS/OS X with ID or password
When setting WiFi by wireless LAN/WiFi Service (keiomobile2) password authentication method, a recertification is performed.
Persons who set WiFi using iOS (iPad/iPhone) and Mac OS X when recertifying are requested to recertify by the following procedure, because when they have accessed keiomobile2, the certificate recertification dialog box will be displayed.。
You need only perform the following procedure once; WiFi resetting will be unnecessary.
OS X recertification procedure
[Verify certificate] will be displayed so click the [Continue] button.
["Reliability of system certificate" environment setting is about to be renewed], will be displayed, so then enter the administrator's password for the Mac you are using and click the [Update setting] button.
iOS recertification procedure
[Certificate] will be displayed so click the [Accept].
Last-Modified: January 27, 2016
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